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The Falcon Forum Vol 190 - Need-based hit squads; securing cheap food; structural adjustment and austerity measures; farm culture & hard times; Zimbabwe in transition; fuel crisis & new options; Detroit mayor in trouble; King Assassination; making men out of black boys; Obama and abortion; poverty protests; Oprah's delirium; and more. (LIBCD2196) | Mind Power - We introduce a new book study with Gary Null's powerful research into improving the function of our brains. The theories of how the brain functions, nutritional methods, the dangerous toxins that rob us of our mental prowess and combatting the effects of aging all are covered in this first session. 3-CD's $15.00. (LIBCD2197A) | From Mind to Market - Mental Real Estate: The discussion between Min. 8-Ball and Keidi centers around 4 principle areas of protecting our intellectual property. Most of us have ideas that could manifest in some residual wealth production. How we can best protect and exploit our creations is our topic. (LIBCD2198) | Remembering the Rwanda Genocide - In April 1994 the world largely stood by and watched as up to a million Africans were slaughtered at each others' hands in the most horrifying fashion. Complicity of the Western colonial powers, the U.S., as well as non-action by people around the world are the subject. We discuss the continuing genocide against Blacks. (LIBCD2199) | |||
Amefika Geuka - Nationalist Black Leadership: The conversation centers around critical issues where our organic leadership will have powerful influence on the environment affecting our community. From education, to economics and politics, there is a distinct Nationalist agenda that must be addressed with effectiveness. (LIBCD2192) | BROTHAS Speak Out - Capturing the Prize: Our discussion covers health procedures, skills training, life cycles, managing our passions and getting those things in life that will fulfill our greatest needs and desires. Politics comes into the conversation and our bottom line is that it is a great time to be determined to get our own. The future of food is also discussed. (LIBCD2193) | 21 Rules for Surviving a Perfect Economic Storm - In preparation for a presentation at a college campus, the Conscious Rasta prepared this masterful life plan for career development, skills acquisition, management of time, budget control and macroeconomic perspective. Beyond question, any one of us who can create a lifestyle around these 21 Rules, will enjoy productivity, viability and wealth. This should be given to every young person and the families who love them. (LIBCD2194) | Mwalimu Baruti - Political Paths: One of our favorite authors shares insights, perspective and opinion on the manners in which Blacks in the U.S. can make more intelligent choices and commitments in order to secure a future viability in politics, education, economics and progressive organizing. (LIBCD2195) | |||
The Falcon Forum Vol 187 - Financial liquidity crisis; end of the Dollar; debt based economy; global depression; prisons or bread lines; Admiral Fallon resigns; Operation Checkmate against Iran; Russia and China angry; racial polarization; militias and survivalists; nuke dropped on Syria; surviving the coming depression.. (LIBCD2188) | Jose Garcia - America Drowning in Debt: Our interview with one of the authors of Up To Our Eyeballs, shares a powerful history of the deregulation of the banking industry in the U.S. which has resulted in the worst debt based economy in world history. The facts as presented here are absolutely devastating. (LIBCD2189) | The Falcon Forum Vol 188 - Hot topics: Obama & Rev. Wright; speech on racism; financial news; NY Gov sabotaged over subprime crimes; $200 billion taxpayer bailout; white collar crime; fasting and Spring cleaning; rising costs of commodities; global market changes; selling off American assets; lies about teens and STD's; travelling to Africa; conflicts in South America; and more. (LIBCD2190) | The Falcon Forum Vol 189 - Zimbabwe electioins; Mugabe & the West; ignoring Africa; assimilation vrs ethnic nationalism; rising cost of rice, wheat, corn and food; martial arts training; paramilitarism; racial antagonism; crackers and niggers; comparing national healthcare systems; Mormons buy LA black radio; black fertility crisis; Iraq worstening; vaccines and autism; and more. (LIBCD2191) | |||
Connecting with Global African Family - Brothers Heru, Adrian and Black Santino join us from Barbados to discuss issues of Pan African solidarity, investing in West Africa, traveling and studying in the Caribbean and the critical role of spoken word artists and talk radio hosts in keeping out people informed. (LIBCD2184) | Malachi York Support Network - We're joined by a broad spectrum of guests to testify to the railroading of the controversial leader teacher who is currently being held after political persecution. The conversation is revealing, response often controversial, yet we must understand the history of political prisoners. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2185) | The Falcon Forum Vol 185 - The lesser of two evils; pro and con Obama; media oligarchy and politics; the Iraq surge; messed up U.S. foreign policy; Iran, Turkey and Iraq; Obama and Karl Rove; exploding prison population; building on ourown strengths; capitalism is dying; getting the hell out of America; and more. (LIBCD2186) | The Falcon Forum Vol 186 - Health care, stress & environment; drugs and pharma profits; millionaires as politicians; Nigeria arrests Oganoland leaders; who's migrating to Africa?; repatriation; Zionism and apartheid; concentration camps; roots of Black Power; drugs in the water; U.S. bombs Somalia; $4 gas; and more. (LIBCD2187) | |||
Book Study Summary - We go through a number of the critical book studies throughout our 5 years of broadcasting at LIBRadio. We've had well over a dozen serious book studies that make up our archives and give us a strong base for intelligent adherence to our long term vision. (LIBCD2180) | Rev. Phil Valentine - Challenging Obama's Image: From a broad perspective we challenge issues of leadership, black nationalism, the Illuminati blood line; the role of mass media, America Inc., what to expect from the political system, and whether Blacks are making the right poltiical and economic moves. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2181) | The Great AIDS Hoax (PowerPoint) - This is perhaps the definitive presentation of facts, referenced and verifiable, to debunk the myths, lies and distortions that have brought the world the hysteria around AIDS. We challenge 10 the science, 2) the testing methods, 3) the medications and their toxicity, and 4) the numbers of HIV cases in Africa. The information here is comprehensive and very well organized for clarity at all levels of understanding. (LIBCD2182) | The Future of LIBRadio - On the eve of our temporary suspension of live broadcasts in order to recover our momentum and solve economic issues, we take a look at our mission, the factors affecting our finances, the African centered movement and the many ways that we can continue to celebrate this great forum and it's potentiality. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2183) | |||
Reporting From Ghana - Our correspondent Kwame Osei recalls some of the events and responses relative to the visit of Pres. George Bullsh to 5 African countries, including Ghana. This perspective from a conscious Brother in Ghana is a critically needed inside perspective. (LIBCD2176) | Bruce Dixon - A Real Black Agenda: This brilliant voice from Black Agenda Report shares with us his analysis of the combination of forces which rule domestic politics, the black leadership crisis, and the phenomenal rise of Sen. Barack Obama from obscurity in Chicago politics. (LIBCD2177) | Falcon Forum Vol 184 - Hot issues include: Ongoing epidemic of mass shootings; social and economic stress; restoring AfriCentric education; Nader for president; new models for education; social engineering and social behavioral change; Tavis & the State of the Black Union; AfroCentricity in decline; Bush in Ghana; Kosovo breakaway; U.S. foreign policy; and the need for our own 12-point plan of action. (LIBCD2178) | Maat Productions - Dr. Ayo Bankole discusses Critical Issues of Black Health and how to maneuver allopathic verses naturapathic healthcare. Keidi Awadu discusses Before, Today and Beyond, his life and the emergence of the Black Star Media Group vision. Where do we go from here? (LIBCD2179) | |||
BROTHAS Speak OUT - Taking Responsibility for Our Health: Zeke and Keidi share their own methods and strategies for keeping healthy and staying out of the deadly and expensive grip of a runaway medical-industrial-pharmaceutical cartel. Nutrition is the primary focus of our discourse. (LIBCD2172) | Dr. Marnia Lazreg - Torture and the Decline of Empire: We discuss the complex history of colonialism, the wars of liberation in Vietnam and Algeria, and the links to the modern U.S. efforts against global Islamism, terrorism and the current debate of the use of torture. (LIBCD2173) | Keonna Patterson - The Blackfellas in Australia: Our conversation tonight is with a Pan African who has relocated to the South Pacific continental nation. Our dialog covers issues of genocide, the fake apology, the future for Blacks in Australia, immigration, Pan Africanism and building on our global family connections. (LIBCD2174) | Djehuty Maat Ra - So-Called Incurable Diseases: Once again, this brilliant young researcher and natural health advocate joins us to debunk much mythology on STD's, AIDS, nutrition, environment, our need for detox and other critical areas of research to empower us to resist the medical matrix. (LIBCD2175) | |||
Maat Productions - Amefika Geuka & Brother David: The need for a President for Black America: Aside from the contest for the White (folks) House, the conversation goes deep into the need for a Black Nationalist leadership accountable for the separate needs of our people in economics, security political and social justice. (LIBCD2169) | Dr. Amos Wilson - Negro Assimilationist Fantasy & Multiculturalism: Another outstanding lecture presentation from the great scholar that calls into question the methods, techniques and loyalties of the dominant form of Afrikan American leadership and why we cannot rely on them to delive the true path to Black Power and independence. DVD $20 (LIBDVD058) | Blueprint for Black Leadership - Using the bulk of our research from Amos Wilson's Blueprint For Black Power, as well as Gunner Myrdal's An American Dilemma, we discourse of the utter inadequacy of an Obama presidence for advancing the separate needs of people of African lineage within U.S. political, economic, social, judicial and numerical justice. Whe the end game is genocidal elimination, can we afford to embrace the "dream" of assimilation? (LIBCD2170) | Pan Afrikan Awareness - Keidi and Brother Jamaal share a set of news revelations to bring focus to the larger issues relative to African development, our critical need to keep feeding our continental vision and how the REAL battle for the future is to take place on the mother continent. (LIBCD2171) | |||
Nation Building By Us For Us / Tony Washington: The Essence of Martial Arts - In these two programs we explore first moving beyond passive and superficial talk about nationhood into real strategies for action. Next we talk to the producer of a new documentary film on the historical African contribution to the fighting sciences. (LIBCD2166) | Ras D, Nana Appia and Ras Kwabena - Ghana Repatriation Lands: We have a conversation spanning 3 continents including a Paramont Chief from Central Ghana. They have made land grants available so that those of us who wish to repatriate will have a welcoming experience. Our skills, resources and tools are necessary at home at this critical time. (LIBCD2167) | Falcon Forum Vol 183 - Hot subjects today include: Charles Barkley and Magic Johnson & politics; scooping up black preachers (again); Obama verses McKinney for president; Condi for VP?; Zimbabwe elections; apologies verses Reparations; the missing black lobby; Kosovo breakaway & a new cold war; NATO, Islam & oil; globalist mulattos; financial strategies & more. (LIBCD2168) | Dr. John Henrik Clarke - The Empires of Mali & Songhai: An incredibly valuable to the collection of material on the powerful empires of the Sahel region of Africa. The lingering impact of these powerful states continues to reverberate within world history and geography. Dr. Clarke is among the greatest of modern historians. DVD $20 (LIBDVD121) | |||
Uncovering the Conspiracies - Using a broad set of highly documented self-published research reports, The Conscious Rasta helps us all to break away from being victim to manipulation. Then we get into the conspiratorial forces behind the charismatic candidate. Whose agenda is he expected to forward? (LIBCD2162) | BROTHAS Speak Out - The Mortgage Meltdown: Our discussion begins with the current crisis affecting too many families that threatens their base for family wealth. Discussion extends to the policies of the financial sector and how they have usurped many elected officials to keep the status quo. Don't be fooled by feel-good window dressing. The enemy is in the house. (LIBCD2163) | Reparations and Apologies - Australia has just extended an weak-ass apology for hundreds of years of brutal genocide against the Blackfellas. Our outrage must not be suppressed. Next we look at the Reparations movement here and around the world. Are we about to get more apologies and less repairing investment in the current political climate? What would our bold ancestral intellectuals have to say to us? (LIBCD2164) | Karen Quinones Miller - Passing for White: The author of the new novel Passing, joins us to discuss the history of people who cross over from one race to another. What type of values are being perpetuated with this continued obsession with color caste? How is this subtly being woven into the larger society? Should we segregate ourselves or assimilate? (LIBCD2165) | |||
Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 15 - We complete our extended study of this metaphysical tome by focusing on the absolute highest of the symantic connections to the universal energies. We look at ecstasies and ultimate union with the spiritual divine, attendent powers and summarize the whole of our 15-part study. (LIBCD2078-O) | Trance, Art and Creativity Volumes 1-15. Get the entire series of our most intense exploration of the entire spectrum of the way that individuals and cultures deal with the Great Unknown, with the mysterium and with our union with universal forces. 30 CD's $110 (LIBCD2078-All CD's) | Trance, Art and Creativity Volumes 1-15. Get the entire series on one disc containing the series on MP3. $75.00 (LIBCD2078-All MP3) | Mind to Market - Elon Bomani, the Dynamic Diva, shares a very inspiring message about the various ways that we can make our wealth despite the general hardships that the economy is placing on us all. It all begins with a change of our mindset, our habits and then finding our means of applying this attitude. (LIBCD2161) | |||
Aduke McKenzie & Jeff Chandler - The Jamaican Legacy: We celebrate the birth anniversary of Bob Marley as we share the culture of Jamaica, the island attraction and tourism opportunities with the owners of East of Eden bed and breakfast in Montego Bay. (LIBCD2158) | The Great AIDS HOAX! This is an incredibly powerful presentation from Keidi Awadu given to the Reality Speaks organization. This three hours of highly documented research goes far to debunk many of the lies and distortions of the AIDS establishment and expose their population control strategies. DVD $20 (LIBDVD001) | Min. Joseph Carswell - Plans for a Black Agenda: In contrast to the current hyped up political climate in the U.S., we ask what fundamental planning should we be concentrating on that will feed, house, secure, employ and reconnect our global family? Later, in a highly controversial overtime discussion, Bro. Haduj stands up to defend Barack Obama's Advantages amidst a highly critical and detailed set of negative charges from other Blacks, progressives and the media. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2159) | Falcon Forum Vol 182 - Stories include: mass shooting in Kirkwood, MO; domestic terrorism & gun control; ancient black presence in Americas; Obama's sweep; McKinney & the Greens; prison & drug wars; Amos Wilson on politics; Obama & the nuclear industry; AIPAC attacks Kucinich; black leadership; Chad, Ghana, South Africa and our future. 3-Cd's $15.00 (LIBCD2160) | |||
Super Tuesday Political Discussion - A panel of Sam Greenlee, Dr. Ahmses Maat, Brother Jamaal and Keidi Awadu discuss the political scene, the chances for real change in global affairs, the impact of this election on Africa and a lively exchange on the hopes of Blacks through the candidacy of Barack Obama. This gets real hot! (LIBCD2154) | Webster Tarpley - Is Obama a Puppet? In the most scathing critique yet on LIBRadio, the noted conspiracy author gives a detailed review of Obama from his college days onward and frightens us with the possibility of his presidency being a means of ushering in a vicious set of neo-cons bent on war and corporate exploitation. This should not be ignored. (LIBCD2155) | Bernie Horne - Bringing the Progressive Agenda: From the author of Framing the Future, we discuss how the horse race aspect of the political campains has shoved aside the agenda of true progressives. While we do have Rep. Cynthia McKinney to represent progressives but the Democrats are focusing on simple matters. What ARE progressive issues and how do these aims become manifest? (LIBCD2156) | Eshe Rivears - The Herb Sistah: Global Warming Gardening. Our information today is not only about the imperative to take control of our own food production, diet and nutrition, but that there are a new set of techniques necessary to deal with water shortages and high temperatures. This is so very pracitical and useful information. (LIBCD2157) | |||
Falcon Forum Vol 181 - Topics include: violent politics in Kenya; future of African trade; security & economics; China in Sudan & peacekeeping; African institutional development; our support of practical organizations; Barack Obama and black politics. (LIBCD2151) | Maat Productions w/ Dr. Ahmses Maat - Your Financial Destiny: Guests DC Thomas and Frederika Lambert discuss strategies to lower our interest payments and concentrate our hard earned money on building wealth instead of investing so much in the institutions that hold us all down. (LIBCD2152) | Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 14 - We complete our analysis of a number of meditation techniques, comparing each for its merits and applicability. We can use these techniques to move us above the dead level of reaction to the world around us. Next we beging to look at the next level, psychedelia and esctasy. (LIBCD2078N) | From Mind to Market - Wealth Building Strategies: Min 8-Ball and Conscious Rasta have a frank and broadbased discussion on real and tangible means of building long term wealth, independence and global investments to assure that, no matter the political future, we wil have our bases covered. (LIBCD2153) | |||
BROTHAS Speak Out w/ Akua Auset - Superwomen and Goddesses: We have a wonderful conversation with this active and deeply spiritual sister. She is a celebrity make up artist, business owner, teacher, wife, mother and deeply rooted in her African heritage. This is a must-have dialog for all our sisters, daughters and young women. (LIBCD2147) | From Mind to Market - Book review of The E-Myth: Analysis of this highly regarded book on business do's and don'ts. We go through a number of key points and try to use practical application of these rules. Highly motivating and informative dialog this evening. (LIBCD2148) | Paul Ifayomi Grant and Brother Rabu - Surprise: It's South Africa Next - We have an international circle today with one brother in the UK, just returned from South Africa and his host currently in S.A. Our dialog covers a broad spectrum of affairs, political, cultural, business, investment and international relations. Prospects for long term association and development are the center of our dialog. (LIBCD2149) | Essential MC: Quantum Energy Transformation - This conversation goes beyond the normalcy of material concerns and explores a new area of metaphysics and advanced spiritual manifestation. You'll recognize much of the dialog due to the recent DVD release of The Secret but we go much further. (LIBCD2150) | |||
Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 13 - Today we go deep into ortho-cognition and explore the use of this priceless tool to overcome lack in 7 key personal areas as well as how to apply it as magic in obtaining our desires. We also go into the subject of meditation as an even higher form of obtaining divine ordinance, psychic and material powers. (LIBCD2078M) | Peter Karoff: Philanthrophy and Change - How the wealthy and not-so-wealthy have set up systems to aid progressives as well as scheme to control the masses. Next, Anthony Rucker: Relationship Cookbook - How healthy eating and successful partnerships are cultivated by those of us who need positive changes in our lives. (LIBCD2144) | Maat Productions - Sam Greenlee: The Spook Who Sat By the Door. Dr. Ahmses Maat, Brother Sa Ra and Keidi Awadu share time and exchange wisdom with the author of the book that launched the most powerful film of the Black Power era. His ongoing commitment to nationalism and Pan Africanism stand as a wonderful model and example to the ultimate triumph of our will to liberation. This is a must-hear discussion. (LIBCD2145) | From Mind to Market - Rich Folks Love R.I.B.S.: This is a formula for investments that can lead to a lifetime of wealth fit to be transferred from one generation to the next. We discuss the value of this investment package and how we can make our moves also. (LIBCD2146) | |||
Junius Stanton - Negro Politics and the Coming Economic Collapse: This is a timely and useful dialog on how we can as individuals join together in cooperative networks to withstand the worst of what lies ahead. Think of Hurricane Katrina on a much larger scale...Isn't it time to prepare to survive the worst? (LIBCD2140) | Congo Breakthrough - We cover the largely overlooked history of the world's worst civil conflict, that of the Dem Rep of the Congo. In the past 9 years, over 5.4 million have lost their lives due to this civil warfare. We discuss the immense wealth of the Congo Basin, the scramble for resources, population and Imperialist intervention. Practical solutions are proposed. (LIBCD2141) | Karl Martin - The Perfect Economic Storm: We examine a broad set of indicators that let us know that the economy within the U.S. is in really big trouble. Housing, debt, inflated value of financial markets, energy costs, food and healthcare inflation and the shrinking value of the dollar are offset by certain advantages known to a small segment. Now you'll know too. (LIBCD2142) | Falcon Forum Vol 180 - Subjects include: Water wars; world economic reversal; shifting our assets oversease; trusting Africans; strategies for urban youth; battling globalism; the burden of debt-based financial systems; Ron Paul's economic plans; the State of the Union; moving beyond mere rhetoric; working within capital systems. (LIBCD2143) | |||
Dr. Eve Allen - Spiritual Aspects of Healing: We are joined by a natural therapist who uses a variety of cutting edge techniques for diagosing mineral deficiencies and symptoms of malnutrition. The conversation covers a wide area of very practical information for transforming our lives. (LIBCD2136) | Falcon Forum Vol 179 - Main focus today is on the health of independent web broadcasting. Junius Stanton hosts Daloni Amon, Neil Blake, Keidi Awadu and others to share the critical needs of our web stations and to challenge the larger conscious community to step up to the challenges ahead. (LIBCD2137) | From Mind to Market - Numbers Are Our Friend: Accounting methodologies and software are among the key topics we cover during this session. Learn the different methods of accounting and the advantages of each. We aim to make this information practical and reliable. (LIBCD2138) | Dr. Uhuru Hotep - Watching Out for Black Children: OUt guest has come up with a brilliant and detailed 9-point strategy for restoring order to our neighborhoods, protecting and educating our children. We share research and reflections on the way our communities used to function in order to bring back the best. (LIBCD2139) | |||
Falcon Forum Vol 178 - In this extended broadcast, a vast panel join us to bring forward strategies to solve our problem. Other topics discussed include: Obama Diebolded; the Clintons & Blacks; Black-Latino rivalry; c;ass warfare; Whites bailing out of America; environmental catastrophe, UK report and much more. 3-CDs $15.00 (LIBCD2133) | Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 12 - We continue our exploration of conscious control of creative functions through the preconscious aspect, mental health and self-actualization, and another broader subject of biofeedback whereby techniques of meditation, Zen, yoga become available as well as EEG technology. These are practical tools. (LIBCD2078-L) | From Mind to Market - The Art of the Deal: Once again, Min. 8-Ball has come up with some great strategies for entering into business negotiations. Take inventory of these five key points to successfull negotiation strategies and increase your profit making abilities. (LIBCD2134) | Dr. Delbert Blair - Predictions 2008: We have our annual roundup of prophesies, forecasts and revelations from the metaphysical researcher. Often controversial, but never boring, we share a broad set of subject matters from the frightening to the outrageous. You don't want to miss this set of predictions. (LIBCD2135) | |||
Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan -Nanasom Nhoma / BROTHAS - Obama Diebolded in New Hampshire: This pair of programs covers the incredible depth of our spiritual inheritance from the ancient Nile Valley empires and how we can best access this information through a new journal. Next, we show how the turnaround in the NH primary was a case of electronic hijacking of votes using the Diebold optical scanners. (LIBCD2129) | Paul Ifayomi & Robin Walker - Black Our-Story. The authors of Why Willie Lynch Must Die and When We Ruled, join us today to discuss their books, the state of Pan Africanism in the United Kingdom, and the myriad of ways that we are and will continue to recover our collective identity and restore our civilization to his historical greatness. Another powerful and eye-opening dialogue today. (LIBCD2130) | Ismaeil Hossein-Zadeh - The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism: The author of this newly released book covers a broad set of research on how the rise of the military industrial complex during the 20th Century came to dominate U.S. domestic and foreign policy. In addition, he reveals how the political candidates will be expected to continue the same policies which have arisen over decades. (LIBCD2131) | Zakita - Don't Call Me N!gga: We are joined by the author of this children's book which provokes a dialog about the misuse of language and the perpetuation of esteem degrading process within our community. This conversation is broad and comes with real solutionis for community building. (LIBCD2132) | |||
Dr. John G. Jackson - Introduction to African Historical Studies: In this witty and insightful narrative, the author relates his own life of discovery and challenge as he found the wealth of African studies and battled against the forces of the distortion and anti-history. (LIBCD2125) | From Mind to Market - Afronomics: Minister 8-Ball and the Conscious Rasta discuss a 12-point strategy to build a broad nationalist culture that builds upon unity and cooperative economics. This plan for action is central to the theme of our new era of empowerment for both individuals and the larger group. (LIBCD2126) | Mwalimu Baruti - Sesh: Black Book Publishing. A broad perspective of topics are discussed to enable the elevation of progressive, culturally aware writiers. In addition we talk about related issues of business integrity as well as a deep discussion of the rise of homosexuality in the black community. (LIBCD2127) | Bernie Horne - Can Progressives Win Elections? and Derek Ward - Paying Off Your Mortgage in 10 Years or Less: These two programs are serious contributions to our month-long push to provide a bulk of life transforming information. In the wake of Obama's shocking loss in N.H. primary, amid allegations of vote fixing and the huge crisis in mortgage debt in the U.S., this is great stuff that you can use. (LIBCD2128) | |||
Making Peace in a World of War - We take a look at all the myriad of conflicts around the world, the worst of which are on the African continent, and seriously ask what can be done to change from the destructive mentality to one of peace, cooperation and prosperity. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2122) | Jim Clingman - The Economic Outlook Ahead: We question whether political politics can truly deliver our people to the economic freedom and prosperity which we truly seek. We take a close look at Barack Obama and ask whether we would even expect him to deliver for us. (LIBCD2123) | The Falcon Foruum Vol 177 - Subjects include: media hype over weather; Obama wins Iowa; economic and political shifts; black political self-interest; Umoja and Ujamaa mutual support; affiliate marketing; $100-a-barrel oil; Ghana as solution; Amero currency; Kenya's election crisis; and the dangerous year ahead. (LIBCD2124) | Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 11 - The focus is on the creative mind with inquiry into symbolism and verbal creativity; rational processes; personal and environment base; openness of mind; fascilitation by hypnosis, drugs and esp; and dreams as base for creative process. (LIBCD2078-K) | |||
What They Said When They Thought We Weren't Listening - International Aspects of Overpopulation: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the South African Institute of International Affairs at Johannesburg 1970. A case for genocide. (Printed Report) (LibRep001) | What They Said When They Thought We Weren't Listening - International Aspects of Overpopulation (Audio CD) (LIBCD013) | Population War: Report From The Frontline - This landmark research report, from the Black Star Media, details the means and methods by which a covert establishment schemes to reduce fertility and increase deathrates among those of developing nations and unassimilated foreign groups within Western countries. This is very revealing. (CSRVol3No2) | ||||
Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 10 - We go through a broad spectrum of psychic powers, so-called siddhis, that arise on the path toward creative enlightenment as well as the nature of Tantric Sex and the critical necessity of the individuation process for personal growth and integration into our whole being. (LIBCD2078-J) | Psychiatry - An Industry of Death: This powerful documentary goes deep into exposing the myriad of criminal actions which have crystallized into the dominance of psychiatry and the means by which the State enforces mandates that allow for involuntary chemical control over citizenry. This is very shocking information. (LIBCD2120) | Rev. Phil Valentine - The Over-Dominance of the Matriarchal Principle: In this first program of the new Roman calendar year, we address the great imbalences in community and family from the imposition of a Western feminism into the critical points of social order. How this is orchestrated by a hidden hand bent on controlling through chaos. 3-CD's $15.00 (LIBCD2121) | NSSM, Population Control Agenda Vol 2 - We continue this landmark analysis with the focus on the specific strategies and applied methods of fertility reduction schemes in the developing world. Emphasis give to alternative research resources and the subtle nature of the population control schemes. (LIBCD2115B) | |||
Population Control Excepts - Some serious quotations as well as an extended lecture from Radio Liberty do a pretty good job of exposing the means of controlling population by fertility control and increasing death rates. Not perfect but useful nonetheless. (LIBCD2116) | The Falcon Forum Vol 176: Topics include: Bhutto assassination; the murder of bin Laden?; Kenyan election turmoil; China's $55B investment in Africa; stupid leadership; our African investment; radicalism; most important stories of the year; Oprah's adventures; Ron Paul net successes; economic collapse and more. (LIBCD2117) | Maat Productions - Drs. Bobbi & Arvel Chapelle: Kuumba, in celebration of the Nuguzo Saba, the guests, learned and highly esteemed elders, share their vast teaching knowledge on how we can best impliment these values in our practical lives in order to achieve the ends of empowerment and proper social integration with our inheritance. (LIBCD2118) | Dr. Marimba Ani - Yurugu Republished: We have a wonderfully deep discourse with the author of the landmark analysis of European culture in which we focus on the practical application of our own African asili and use of the social sciences to clarify our path toward civilization empowerment. Buy two copies of this powerful discussion. (LIBCD2119) | |||
Kwanzaa and Black Unity - In this very inspiring conversation, we look at the path ahead and commit to making the journey toward a glorious restoration of our global nation. We stand solid on these principles of the Nguzo Saba as we redirect ourselves from negative obsession toward an African world order. (LIBCD2112) | Tech and Future Talk - The Years Ahead: Using essays and research from some of the top executives in major tech sectors, we look at future trends in the workforce, processing power, consumer gadgetry as well as the critical importance of the much-discussed convergence. Some will move ahead while too many others will be left behind in this period of critical change. (LIBCD2113) | Mastery of Our Physical Selves - Using the spirit of Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), we go through a spectrum of problems and solutions, exercises, studies and points of focus that allow us to regain mastery over our lower nature and to restore the dominance of our Divine Nature and our powerful, creative will. Far too many of us are living a lower, carnal existence just above the level of animals. These techniques are proven to restore. 3-CDs $15.00 (LIBCD2114) | NSSM, Population Control Agenda Vol 1 - The first two hours of study of this critical U.S. national security policy document reveals in detail how the global agenda of control has used fertility control for imperialist intent. We look at various highly provocative incidents to put them in context of what is occurring. This is really hot and accurate stuff. More to come... (LIBCD2115A) | |||
Ashra Kwesi - The Fraud of Christmas: Along with Brother Jamaal, we tap into the vast knowledge, wisdom and wit of the master teacher as he gives a detailed breakdown of how too many of us have fallen victim to a twisted distortion of myths culled from prime-ative civilizations and distorted towards control. (LIBCD2109) | Dr. Manu Ampim - Merowe Dam in Sudan: The noted author and primary researcher, who has made numerous journeys throughout Khemet and Nubia, shares valuable insights into the dangers that much of our history is about to be inundated and gives us fresh insight into our modern Nubian family. (LIBCD2110) | Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 9 - We've switched to the critical third part of our research into this book. A hierarchy of stages of our ascendence is presented from the lowest order to that of living divinity. In addition the subject of overcoming the three illusions is dealt with in wonderful detail. This is the reward for our studies so far. (LIBCD2078-I) | The True Meaning of Christmas - Along with Brother Jamaal, we explore the various manifestations of the winter holiday season. We examine the good, bad and ugly of the current Xmas as well as define what a true KRST Mass should manifest in those of us who know where to look for our story. (LIBCD2111) | |||
Richard Goldstein - Barack Obama, The Contender: The author has written a very detailed, and useful, background to the black Democratic Party primary candidate. Beyond the nice smile and correct speeches, we look at Obama's record and his connections to the highest level of the established power elite. You may be surprised. (LIBCD2106) | Trance, Art and Creativity Vol 8 - We wrap up our discussions on the subject of art as means of reaching beyond our normal state of consciousness. Art as connection to logic, magic and the metaphysical are all covered in such depth that we must go overtime. 3-CDs $15.00 (LIBCD2078-H) | Zero Sum Population For Blacks - Using critically informative research from An American Dilemma, we demonstrate that behind much of the chaos and confusion in our national group, there is the absolute agenda of "getting rid of the Negro" in America. The plan is complex and simple in both elocution and execution. Now that we know, we are able to act with deliberation. (LIBCD2107) | The Falcon Forum Vol 175 - Topics: Collapsing empire; greed of the elite; preying on the ignorant; weather modification; black man guilty of shooting white youth; gun ownership; AFRICOM & new military colonialism; To 25 Censored Stories of 2007; housing crisis in the U.S.; Cheney & the devil; Detroit and Africa Town; and more. (LIBCD2108) | |||
Paul Dutton - Differential Diagnoses: The author has produced an informative comparitive research between the health care systems of the U.S. and France, which has the finest medical system in the world. A number of important differences are highlighted as well as failures in the U.S. corporate medical system. (LIBCD2102) | Yirser Ra Hotep - Sacred Geometry / Ms. E: Voices of the People - Two programs that showcase the fact that have solutions for 1) our chronic mental and physical diseases, and 2) Blacks coming up with our own solutions to persistant social, political and economic problems. Highly inspiring and informative. (LIBCD2103) | Demystifying HIV and AIDS Hype - This powerful and extended program systematically takes apart the false constructs that have promoted a hysterical fear of HIV infection. Extensive references are used to show that virtually all that is believed about HIV and AIDS is countered by credible research data. A must-have program for all who challenge this Great AIDS Hoax. 3-CDs $15.00 (LIBCD2104) | Dr. Elijah Grant - Going Crazy in America: This challenging and stimulating conversation emerges from the research into a broad spectrum of electronic and environmental conditions that make it difficult for people to have balance in sanity in their lives. You definitely need to know about these dangers. (LIBCD2105) | |||
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